Vidjagame Apocalypse

This week's episode of Vidjagame Apocalypse is hungry for brains. We talk about zombies, the things hurting the games industry and we delve into the forums.

Direct download: VidjagameApocalypse_12_0423.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:08am EST

This week's episode is all about SUPERHEROS. Our Top 5 is all about superheros. Our new releases section is all about superheros (well, mostly). Our news is all about superheros (okay definitely not all but we still talk about them).

Direct download: VidjagameApocalypse_11_0416.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:44am EST

In this week's episode of Vidjagame Apocalypse we talk Lara Croft wannabes and some sad news. We're also doing a giveaway! Yay!

Direct download: VidjagameApocalypse_10_0409.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:01pm EST

On this week's episode of Vidjagame Apocalypse we revisit some of our favorite anxiety-inducing music from games and talk about beloved games from our youth.

Sorry this episode is a little late. We ran into a minor technical difficulty. It's here now and we may all rejoice! Heads up kids, Chris is on this episode which means we'll be talking about a certain duck-centric game for quite a while.

Direct download: VidjagameApocalypse_09_0413.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm EST