Fri, 26 June 2020
There are a lot of things The Last of Us Part II does well, but one thing it's particularly good at is simulating a guitar with a touchpad. As a tribute, we grabbed Jorge Albor of Experience Points for a look at some of the best in-game instruments (in non-musical games), after which we'll properly delve into The Last of Us Part II, as well as EA news, Mixer shutting down, and your favorite E3-ish announcements so far. |
Fri, 19 June 2020
The Last of Us Part II is out! And some of the review discourse has (not surprisingly) been about how it makes you do bad things (and also tries to make you feel bad about those things). But that's nothing new! In fact, some of gaming's most memorable moments have been ones that guilted us about some horrific "decision," even if our only real choice was to push forward or stop playing. This week's show looks at five such moments, after which we'll talk PlayStation 5 news, Desperados III, and your favorite Dungeons & Dragons campaign settings. |
Fri, 12 June 2020
This week's show returns to the well from which all RPGs (and arguably all videogames) spring: Dungeons & Dragons. More specifically five of the best Dungeons & Dragons videogames, which we'll count down alongside Cicero Holmes of Rivals of Waterdeep and Discovery Debrief. Then it's on to news of Yakuza: Like A Dragon, 1Up's new arcade machines, and your favorite Game Gear Games. (And we'll dive into the PS5 reveal — which happened after we recorded — next week.) |
Fri, 5 June 2020
This week's been one of the roughest in a rough year, and we couldn't bring ourselves to put together a normal videogame podcast as if nothing was happening. But canceling the show also felt weird, so instead, PNB's TL Foster joins us for a frank, lengthy discussion about police violence and race in America - after which, yes, we do bring it back to games, including Xenoblade Chronicles, Shantae and the Seven Sirens, Game Gear Micro, and your favorite memories of local arcades and game shops. |