Vidjagame Apocalypse

2024 is almost over, so it's time to begin our annual Games of the Year countdown - split into two parts, because there's a lot to talk about. This week, we've invited a rotating panel of guests including TL Foster, Steve Guntli, Greg Moore, Tony Wilson, and Anthony Abatte to discuss our favorites; check out entries 10 through 6 this week, and stay tuned for next week, when we'll resume the countdown at #5 and drill down to our Game of the Year.

Question of the Week: What's your personal Game of the Year for 2024?

Vidjagame Apocalypse theme by Matthew Joseph Payne.

There's a lot of chat this week, so here's a quick timestamp cheat sheet if you'd like to skip ahead to unveil each entry:

0:08:29: #10 with TL Foster

0:33:09: #9 with Tony Wilson

0:47:26: #8 with Anthony Abatte

1:11:30: #7 with Steve Guntli and Greg Moore

1:37:34: #6 with Anthony Abatte and TL Foster

Direct download: VidjagameApocalypse_606_1220.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:20pm EST